Foot & Ankle Surgery

Why would I need foot or ankle surgery?
Whenever you have a foot or ankle injury or a medical problem with your feet and ankles, your podiatrist approaches treatment in a specific order. They start with the least complicated or invasive treatment unless there’s an obvious reason not to, for example, if you have a ruptured Achilles tendon, then surgery may be the best option.
Frontline treatments are often very effective, relieving pain and allowing tissues to heal without having to treat the problem too aggressively. Your podiatrist wants to provide the most effective conservative treatment first, balanced against the potential risks of having surgery.
Dr. Levenstien talks through the treatment options with you so you can make an informed decision about what’s best for your health. In some cases, surgery becomes the best option, but unless there’s no alternative, surgery is usually the last resort.
What types of surgeries might I have on my foot and ankle?
There are many types of surgery you may need on your foot or ankle. Fractures and tendon or ligament tears are the most common reasons why you might need foot and ankle surgery. Types of foot and ankle surgery include:
• Arthroscopy, using an arthroscope to perform minimally invasive surgery
• Full or partial removal of an ingrown toenail move down
• Endoscopic plantar fascia release for plantar fasciitis
• Bunionectomy to remove chronically painful bunions
• Fasciotomy of the foot for overuse injuries
• Open ankle fusion surgery
• Diabetic foot amputation surgery, the last resort when there
is no other option
• Tenotomy for flexible hammertoes
• Arthroplasty for less flexible hammertoes
• Arthrodesis for rigid hammertoes
• Tendon transfers and rebalancing procedures
• Flat foot reconstructive surgery
• Morton neuroma surgery
• ….And more
What happens during foot or ankle surgery?
The procedure you undergo depends on the problem that’s led to the need for surgery, as well as any other medical issues you have. Each patient will need pre-surgical testing performed at Huntington Hospital as well as Medical clearance. You may be asked to give blood and urine for testing, and your podiatrist will likely need X-rays or other diagnostic images before your procedure. Most podiatric surgeons do not need general anesthetic that would involve intubation. Instead, most procedures are done with a combination of monitored anesthesia care, which is a light sedation and a local anesthetic at the surgery site. This type of anesthesia will reduce the underlying risk of general anesthesia.
To find out more about the surgical options for your feet and ankles, call Dr. Levenstien today, or book an appointment online.